We can see that flat icons, slide transitions, geometric shapes, and serif fonts will continue to be popular in 2021, Besides, you will see other stuffs like business portfolio, mock-up slide, social media slide decks, calendar, data visualizations, and testimonials that highlight all the effectiveness and modernity of any projects.
This item also has data visualization. Data visualization in a presentation is a big buzz word these days, but what does it mean for our presentations? Well, the reason is that we are living in a time where a lot of data is always being circulated. The data are the primary quantitative evidence of almost every single business decision.
BrandEarth, Envato Market
Galang Adhi Saputra · Product Designer Bayu Krisna · Product Designer Andi Yoga · Director Anindya Putri · Product Manager Kurnia Indah · Graphics Designer M Jibril · Marketing Manager
Keeping the brand identity, but expand target customer range.
Using design to set Ettusais products apart from other presentation product.
Tell a story of reliable quality, safe ingredients, and reasonable price.
Derlivery good products with style and modern design.
Design Process
Collaborate with marketing team to analyze target user behaviors and interests.
Compliment with marketing team to determine brand tone.
Lead team in designing marketing materials and product descriptions and keep them updated.
Special Design Challenge for new years themed item
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Made with Frution ♥ Notion and some inspiration.